Grey's Anatomy Premiere Quotes: "Good Mourning / Goodbye"

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Below is a sampling of some of the best Grey's Anatomy quotes from last night's two-hour premiere. We've divided them into two parts, for each hour of the premiere.

Follow the link above for the full list of quotes from "Good Mourning," "Goodbye," and, if you've never been to our site, every episode in the show's six-season history.

Now here are some of the Grey's Anatomy quotes from last night that we liked most. Which was your favorite line? Thanks so much to Maddie O for help with these ...

Bailey: I am an attending. And, I am a single mother. And I lost O'Malley. And um, I just can't. I can't care anymore. Stevens is not my child. O'Malley was not my child. I have to stop treating them... I just have to stop caring so much. 'Cause I can't keep feeling... feeling like this. Not at work. I have to save the feeling for my son, who needs it. I just can't keep giving it away here. I can't. I won't. | permalink
Alex: Dude, are you crying?
Arizona: I have authority issues. Walk away Karev! | permalink
Callie: (crying) My ex husband died, he died. He actually got hit by a bus. George got hit by a bus. And now... now I have to get a new job and I'm never gonna see my friends anymore and Arizona keeps bringing me doughnuts!
Mark: Is this place for sale? It's nice.
Callie: What?
Mark: Oh, nothing. | permalink
Lexie: I was gonna clean out his locker. Give his stuff to his Mom but, I was a bad friend. To George. I was about as good a friend to him as Clara's friends, who keep sending post cards from the trip she'll never get to take. I just... I... I abandoned him completely. I... I... I just moved out and stopped talking to him. Why? Because, because he didn't think I was as hot I thought he was? Because he... he didn't love me back?
Mark: This may be bad timing but I gotta ask. What did that guy have? I mean, he wasn't much to look at. But, you and Steven's and Torres. Tell the truth. Was he... you know... hung?
Lexie: That's...
Mark: I know, I said bad timing.
Lexie: I...
Mark: But seriously, he was kind of a dorky little dude.
Lexie: Stop! Stop talking (laughing). | permalink
Meredith: You're laughing?
Alex: She's laughing.
Izzie: [laughing] George is dead! He's dead! They're about to put him in the ground and the priest is doing classic rock lyrics! And that girl, that redhead, is crying harder than his mother and she never even met him!
Cristina: You are far more twisted than I ever realized. | permalink
Lexie: [narrating] Grief may be a thing we all have in common, but it looks different on everyone.
Mark: It isn't just death we have to grieve. It's life. It's loss. It's change.
Alex: And when we wonder why it has to suck so much sometimes, has to hurt so bad. The thing we gotta try to remember is that it can turn on a dime.
Izzie: That's how you stay alive. When it hurts so much you can't breathe, that's how you survive.
Derek: By remembering that one day, somehow, impossibly, you won't feel this way. It won't hurt this much.
Bailey: Grief comes in its own time for everyone, in its own way.
Owen: So the best we can do, the best anyone can do, is try for honesty.
Meredith: The really crappy thing, the very worst part of grief is that you can't control it.
Arizona: The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes.
Callie: And let it go when we can.
Meredith: The very worst part is that the minute you think you're past it, it starts all over again.
Cristina: And always, every time, it takes your breath away.
Meredith: There are five stages of grief. They look different on all of us, but there are always five.
Alex: Denial.
Derek: Anger.
Bailey: Bargaining.
Lexie: Depression.
Richard: Acceptance. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.