An Exclusive Interview with 90210 Star Michael Steger

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Last week, we sat down with new 90210 star Trevor Donovan.

Today, we had the good fortune of speaking to a veteran of the show, Michael Steger.

We asked the actor that plays Navid about his character's season one storyline, as well as what fans can expect on 90210 in the months ahead. Read on for the revealing answers...

TV Fanatic: How did you react when you learned of the pregnancy storyline with Adrianna?
Michael Steger: I asked myself: How does Navid live with these circumstances? How do I make them real and honest? I think the first impulse of most teenagers would be to retreat, but Navid isn't a normal high schooler. He looked at Adrianna as his best friend and he simply wanted to help save his friend.

Navid Photo

TV Fanatic:Talk about the evolution of Navid. He started last season as your basic tech geek and ended up being involved in the show's most layered storyline.
Steger: I'm just thankful to the writers for giving me the material to work with. I had such a fun time. It was important not to be the stereotypical geek, but Navid is still pretty much a dork. But he's comfortable with himself and trying to be the best person he can be.

TV Fanatic: What was it like working so closely with Jessica Lowndes?
Steger: She's great. So spontaneous, so creative. You can throw her anything and she'll react to it well.

TV Fanatic: Is there a different feeling on set, now that you're into the second season of the show?
Steger: Everyone feels more relaxed about the direction and we know we're in the hands of great writers. It helps that the audience knows the characters better and is more invested in the stories.

TV Fanatic: We spoke to Trevor Donovan last week. How does his character of Teddy Montgomery impact Navid?
Steger: Teddy is the All-American guy. He's a pro athlete, the son of a celebrity. The audience is really gonna like his relationship with Navid due to the romantic comedy nature of it.
Teddy has so much going for him and Navid has to try and keep up in order to stay with Adrianna. Teddy is her ex.

TV Fanatic: We have seen photos of Teddy kissing Adrianna. Does that mean Navid loses out?
Steger: I can't reveal too much. But there's a huge argument. A lot goes down.

TV Fanatic: There have been some other photos of Liam, Teddy and Dixon on the surf team, in wetsuits, topless. Our readers wanna know: when will we see the sexy side of Navid?
Steger: [Laughs] I don't know. They actually almost had me join the surf team, but I'm spending most of my time in the Blaze News room, working on stories. But that's great. It's like our Central Perk.

TV Fanatic: That's right. And you worked with Rumer Willis there? What was that like?
Steger: Great. She was so much fun, so talented. Fans are gonna love all her scenes.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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