AnnaLynne McCord Pushes for Sisters, President on 90210

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It's difficult to label these as 90210 spoilers, as we can't imagine any of them becoming actual show storylines.

But in a discussion with E!'s Marc Malkin, AnnaLynne McCord said she hopes her sisters - Angel, 24, and Rachel, 20 - make an eventual appearance on the show.

"I'm really pushing for it," McCord said over the weekend. "I really would love to have my sisters on because they really are my best friends in the whole world. It would be really cool if they could come and be Naomi's two new friends."

AnnaLynne McCord, Sisters

As for other guest star ideas, McCord reiterated her desire for a Chuck Bass crossover, saying:

"I still want that to happen. I think if I keep speaking about it, it will happen."

Then, of course, there's McCord's top pick to make a cameo. This may may be a slight stretch, however.

"President Obama! Naomi goes to the White House to meet the president would be an awesome storyline. Of course, Naomi would be going with some personal ulterior motive that has nothing to do with helping anybody."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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