Dominic Monaghan to Join Grey's Anatomy Cast?

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Here's some interesting TV scoop: Former Lost star Dominic Monaghan is apparently NOT being resurrected on the convoluted desert island drama next season, despite an ABC promo showing him mingling with stars of the network's other big-name series.

So why is he in the promo at all?

Well, sources say Monaghan is joining another ABC series - an hour-long series - as a full-time cast member this fall, and the network wants to keep that under wraps.

Why would they want to keep the addition of a popular actor like Monaghan (Lost, Lord of the Rings, X-Men Origins: Wolverine) a secret instead of hyping it to no end?

One theory, off the wall as it may be, is that he is taking over the role of George O'Malley - or at least filling his hospital spot in some capacity - on Grey's Anatomy.

That would at least make sense in that the mystery of whether O'Malley lives, dies or awakes with a new face after extensive plastic surgery was left up in the air.

What do you think? Would Monaghan be a good addition to Grey's Anatomy - as George or anyone else - or is he headed for a different ABC show come September?

Dominic Monaghan
Poor Bambi

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.