90210 Casting Call: Seeking Recurring, Handsome Character

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As dedicated 90210 fans know, Dustin Milligan will not be returning to the show as Ethan next season.

While Matt Lanter was brought aboard, in the role of Liam, to help offset that loss, it looks like 90210 is still looking to add to its cast.

TV Guide reports that the show is seeking a new recurring character. He'll be named Teddy and is billed by The CW as a tennis champion; the son of a famous movie star; and a returning student to West Beverly.

Teddy's charm is described by the publication as "Clooney-esque." Interesting.

Goodbye, Ethan

90210 is saying goodbye to Ethan... and hello to Teddy?

So... who is Teddy? Might he be the individual behind the wheel of that bumper-stickered Mercedes that witnessed Annie's hit and run? Or even the guy she ran over to close season one?

Chime in now on our 90210 forum!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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