More Grey's Anatomy Spoilers From Chyler Leigh

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She had a healthy baby girl last week, but Grey's Anatomy star Chyler Leigh is still ready and willing to do interviews this week in advance of Thursday's climactic finale. What a trooper!

Here's Chyler's Q&A with E! Online, from this afternoon ...

Q: Things with Meredith and Lexie seem to be going strong. Do you expect that to continue?

A: There was that kind of desperation, a puppy-dog quality, at first. Lexie has such a great family dynamic that it's like, "Of course, why wouldn't you want to be my sister?"

But for Meredith, Lexie coming in like that - it was like a record scratch. But as far as I know, the relationship between the sisters continues to get better. Lexie's been growing a lot, and I think there will be more of the mutual respect between the two of them.

The Beautiful Chyler Leigh

Q: Is Lexie at peace with Thatcher now, following his 12-step amends-making?

A: Lexie and her dad have such a great bond anyway that the apology was a much bigger deal to Lexie than to Meredith. Meredith was more like "too little, too late." As far as Lexie goes, for Thatcher to come in and have an apology made a really big difference.

Q: How would you compare and contrast Lexie's infatuation with George earlier in the year with her feelings with for Mark Sloan now?

A: George was the first person who actually cared about her and made her feel like a person. When she first started to have feelings for him, I think they were genuine, but I think there was more of an infatuation factor, because it wasn't reciprocated. You can't have what you want sometimes, and that came into play. I think as far as Sloan, it was so out of left field, but from the get-go she never had a problem saying what she felt or what she thought to him. I think for some reason he gave her an instant confidence that she didn't necessarily have with anybody else, and it kind of caused her to be more open and be more forward. The feelings she has with Mark are definitely genuine. It's not an infatuation, and it's certainly not to further her career or advance her, because she technically doesn't need that help—she's smart, and she's got the photographic memory so she doesn't need the help as far as her career goes. Her feelings for Sloan are definitely genuine.

Q: Will there be more screen time for the Lexie-Sloan storyline next season?

A: Definitely. There definitely will be more of them next season.

Q: Is there anyone you'd like to do more scenes with whom you haven't really worked with yet?

A: I actually haven't had a lot of scenes with Cristina! I'm like, "Wait a minute, she's my resident!" But I've kind of been all over the place with everybody else. I'd definitely love to see [things with Cristina] come back around again, but I have had a lot of good scenes with Izzie and actually Callie. That's been a lot of fun.

Q: How are you feeling about being a Grey's Anatomy cast member at this point?

A: I've been doing the show two full seasons now, and it's a landmark and a breakthrough for me. Really, just to have gotten past 13 episodes was a major triumph for me in my career. I've got through a lot of pilots or a lot of nine-episode or 13-episode [jobs] and then that's it, so to be part of something this long-lived, let alone something that is as well-received and well-respected as this show, that's been very exciting for me.

Q: Last but not least, is there anything you can tease about the Season Five finale of Grey's Anatomy?

A: And as far as the finale goes, the most that I can say is that there are a lot of unexpected twists and turns that happen in this episode. It is very very powerful episode and nobody is gonna want to miss it. There is a lot of key plotlines and a lot of answered questions and then more questions raised.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.