Grey's Anatomy Recaps, Music, Pictures, Quotes, Etc.

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Last night on Grey's Anatomy, we learned that Cristina loves Owen, Lexie and Mark have cute commitment issues, Bailey has a broken heart (and major personal and professional conflicts), while Meredith and Derek were finally, and adorably married via Post-It note.

The topics sure to spark the most debate, however, are the respective fates of Izzie and George. She was getting better after surgery, and he had a purpose, joining the Army. But she collapsed near the end, while an unrelated, horrible accident left him clinging to life.

If you're done bawling, follow the link to read our episode guides (they link to each other, so by reading the first, you can transition over to Part II easily):

Izzie in the Afterlife?

What were your impressions of this amazing night? Share them with us via comments on any of our posts or in our Grey's Anatomy forum. We want to hear what you think about the ending, next season, and anything else you want to speak your mind on.

We're working on our collections of Grey's Anatomy videos from last night (Part I and Part II), as well as photo galleries (Part I and Part II) from the episode, respective music guides (Part I and Part II) and lists of Grey's Anatomy quotes (currently a work in progress).

Check back with us often for all the latest news, gossip and spoilers! Thank you all for watching with us and making this the #1 Grey's Anatomy fan community!

George in Uniform

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.