Krista Vernoff on "No Good at Saying Sorry"

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The award-winning Grey's Anatomy writer and producer who authored last night's episode, Krista Vernoff, has posted some of her impressions on the terrific "No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance)" on the show's official writers' blog.

Here's an excerpt about the relationship between Meredith and Richard, with reactions from the writer herself, and a link to the full column at the bottom ...


I LOVE what Richard says to Meredith. I wrote it, so, y’know, I should love it – but I don’t always love everything I write – and man, do I LOVE that scene.

I sat on set while the brilliant Tom Verica shot that scene and while the luminous Ellen Pompeo and the wonderful Jim Pickens acted it. And I cried.

Every take. I just sat there crying take after take after take. 

I cried for Meredith Grey, mostly, because finally, FINALLY one of the adults in her life is taking responsibility for what happened to her.

Finally, she’s hearing the words that she needed and didn’t even know she needed. People have tried to apologize before.

Thatcher has tried. Richard has even tried. And it’s not that Meredith is hard-hearted. It’s not that she can’t forgive. It’s just that no one ever got it right before. She was a baby.

She was a little kid. She couldn’t stand up for herself.

Richard and Meredith

And here were all these adults running around acting like children and failing, every day, to fight for her. She was neglected and she was abused.

Her mother, for those who may have forgotten, attempted suicide IN FRONT OF HER. This was an emotionally unstable woman, Ellis Grey. 

Richard saw that – and he did nothing. And Thatcher, her freaking FATHER, who not only saw it, he lived it WITH HER, did less than nothing. 

To make an amends is not  just to apologize. It’s to make a thing right. And Thatcher’s little scripted apology can’t do that for Meredith. It can’t make it right. Her pain runs too deep. Her abandonment was too complete.

And so when Richard finally truly takes responsibility?

It breaks down a wall in Meredith’s heart that I truly believe she didn’t even know was there. I think she’s as shocked by her tears as anyone.

And I think there is real and profound healing in that moment.

Continue reading Krista's blog here ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.