One Tree Hill Spoilers: Basketball Dreams

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One Tree Hill spoilers have been going around about Nathan Scott getting an offer to play basketball in Europe. Would he accept? And what would it mean for Haley?

According to TV Guide, the Scotts' marriage may just dodge that bullet if Nathan instead gets recruited by a local NBA team, which the photo below seems to suggest ...

Nathan Scott: Charlotte Bobcats Star?

... then again, One Tree Hill has never exactly shied away from dream sequences, so perhaps suiting up for the Charlotte Bobcats is only in Nathan's imagination.

What do you think? Will Nathan's basketball career take this wonderful, unexpected turn or is he destined for something a lot more difficult and less glamorous?

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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One Tree Hill Quotes

Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.

Dan: You don't wanna be the guy looking back at blue ruffles.
Lucas: Ah, good point. So what'd you wear to prom?
Dan: Blue ruffles.