Grey's Anatomy Quotes: "Sweet Surrender"

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Grey's Anatomy returns tonight with a brand-new episode, "No Good at Saying Sorry." Meredith's dad returns to Seattle and a case bitterly divides the Chief and a top surgeon.

To get you in the mood, here are some of the most memorable Grey's Anatomy quotes from last week's episode, "Sweet Surrender." Relive the drama (and cheesiness) below:

Mer Grey
Meredith: [narrating] We have to believe defeat is not an option. That no matter how sick our patients get, there's hope for them. But, even when our hopes give way to reality and we finally have to surrender to the truth, it just means we've lost today battle. Not tomorrows war. Here's the thing about surrender, once you do it, actually give in, you forget why you were fighting in the first place. | permalink
Callie: Home, he's dragging me home. (rants angrily in Spanish) Who I wanna spend it with (rants angrily in Spanish)
Arizona: Ah, I can see that you're very upset. | permalink
Meredith: Ok, before you guys go in there and start cutting on this patient you need to apologize to each other. If not for the patient, for me. Or, for Lexie. Look at her! Her face is breaking out, her ass is humungous.
Lexie: It's true, I had to get the scrubs with the elastic waist band.
Meredith: If you don't apologize right now, she's not scrubbing in.
Lexie: I won't. You can't make me! (shoves cookie in her mouth) This should be a joyful time. Your best friend's getting married, you should be the best man.
Derek: The Chief will be my best man.
Meredith: What?
Lexie: Is my ass really that... | permalink
Dr. Wyatt: You have shoved your feelings aside for so long. I'm asking you to claim them. And Owen, this is about your platoon.
Owen: It's about the fact that I tried to choke my girlfriend to death. What? Are you saying the way I feel about my platoon and the way I feel about what happened with Cristina are the same? They're not the same.
Dr. Wyatt: Well, how will you know if you can't name those feelings?
Owen: It's not what it's... It's... I don't know. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.