Chandra Wilson Dishes on Bailey, Season Finale

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As if Izzie's cancer, Mer and Der's wedding and George actually getting a storyline weren't enough for the season finale of Grey's Anatomy, Chandra Wilson says there is still a medical disaster that will call for all hands on deck at Seattle Grace.

At the Prism Awards this weekend, Chandra teased the life-changing finale, painting a picture of what could well to be the most thrilling Grey's Anatomy season-ender yet.

"In [the finale], we do ultimately find out what [happens with] George - he has to make a very big decision. Izzie has a lot of medical [issues] in that episode," she said.

"And then, of course, we have our normal ER catastrophe that goes on. It's got to be something bad going on where all the doctors have to assemble. That much I know."

Boss Bailey

Speaking of George's big decision, there's a rumor he ends up as a trauma surgeon in the army, following in Owen Hunt's footsteps. "Is that right? That's coming up too? Lord, I need to read the script that you're reading!" jokes Chandra Wilson.

While she is tight-lipped on the rest of the season, she says Bailey is prepared to continue with pediatric surgery despite the ramifications it has for her marriage:

"Everything that I'm doing right now is still working with the kids; it's still trying to potentially go into that fellowship. I do know that my husband is not happy about that. But when you get a calling, sometimes you have to do your calling."

Also, with the Chief stepping over the line in this week's episode, it seems we're inching closer to the day when he finally retires. But could Bailey really take his place?

According to Chandra, "I know that's the Chief's goal, but I think she's spent enough seasons worrying about everybody else and getting distracted by everybody else. She needed to go back and prove the kind of doctor that she really is, and so she did get a chance this season to really concentrate on the medical [side]. She was very successful medically, so to do that and then also venture into pediatrics, she's just competent all over the place right now."

It also seems as though someone may have forgotten to give Chandra Wilson the message that Grey's Anatomy has been picked up for another season.

"Thank you for giving me that piece of information, because you never know. That's really nice. Now I just need my letter, and I need the rest of the pages for [the final] episode!"

As long as Miranda Bailey doesn't die in the finale, fans will be all right!

"We can't have that. Please. Send out a letter! Start petitioning. Because you know, it could be a nice plot twist. They'll say, ‘You know, we think Bailey's going to get hit by a bus. [It'll] be a nice six-episode arc. America will cry, and you'll be out of a job!' You never know."

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.