30 Rock Quotes: "Apollo, Apollo"

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On 30 Rock last week, Jack reflected on good times past and present as he neared his 50th birthday, while Liz was confronted with the return of her ex-boyfriend Dennis.

Below are some of the best quotes from "Apollo, Apollo." Enjoy, and be sure check out our expanding library of 30 Rock quotes from all three seasons of the hit show!

Liz: Lizzing is a combination of laughing and whizzing. | permalink
Jack: The closest I came to vomiting tonight is when I saw Ann Coulter's shoulder blades. | permalink
Tracy: If you have a spaceship and you're looking for a hilarious astronaut with an irregular heartbeat and $30 million, I am prepared to leave as soon as tomorrow. I wrote that yesterday. | permalink
Jack: [to Tracy] Your contract expressly prohibits dangerous activities, like extreme sports or riding the subway on St. Patrick's Day. | permalink
Tracy: What is this, Horseville? Because I'm surrounded by naysayers. Wordplay!
Liz: That is solid. | permalink
Jack Turns 50
Jack: I'm aware of it. I have a Google news alert for the phrase 'Tracy Jordan ridiculous disaster. | permalink
Dennis: With the help of WedMD, I was recently self-diagnosed as a sex addict. | permalink
Tracy: When I was a kid growing up in the projects, I would look up into the stars and dream of going into space, escaping the slums, and killing an Ewok! | permalink
Jack: I'm Lizzing! | permalink
Jack: Go to Disneyland? Lemon, I've held Walt Disney's frozen head in my hands.
Liz: That's awesome. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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30 Rock Quotes

Jack: Are you familiar with the GE tri-vection oven?
Liz: I don't cook very much.
Jack: Sure... I gotcha. New York, third-wave feminist, college-educated, single and pretending to be happy about it, over-scheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine that says "healthy body image" on the cover, and every two years you take up knitting for ... a week.
Pete: That is dead on!
Liz: What, are you going to guess my weight now?
Jack: You don't want me to do that.

[to Liz] I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger woman.
