Writer Reactions to "Elevator Love Letter"

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The Grey's Anatomy writer who authored last night's episode, Stacy McKee, has posted some of her thoughts on "Elevator Love Letter" on the show's official writers' blog.

Below are some excerpts describing how the events came together, with the reactions from the woman who penned them, and a link to the full column at the bottom ...


Just so you know, I am a sap when it comes to marriage proposal stories. I love them. I love hearing them, I love telling them. I fully enjoy all the cheesy romantic oooey gooey-ness.

I LOVE that Derek proposed! I LOVE that Meredith said yes!

I can’t help it. I’m just cheesy that way.

But first things first. Entirely too much happened in this episode. TOO MUCH. Owen went all PTSD and choked Cristina in his sleep then she forgave him and they had ridiculously beautiful sex until she realized she had to dump him after all.

Alex snooched (yes, you heard me right. Snooched.) into a cup for Izzie so her eggs could be extracted, fertilized, and frozen before her body gets all sick with radiation and chemo.

Scruffy, Dreamy

Derek finally came back from the woods looking all Grisly Adams-ish to operate on Izzie’s brain and – and then, there’s that elevator.

Where Derek Shepherd proposed to Meredith, and she said YES.

Yup. Too much happened in this episode. I’m overwhelmed. I don’t know what to talk about first.

Let’s start with the unpleasant part. Owen. And the choking. This was a tricky one. Let’s be clear. This is not a guy attacking a woman because he’s a guy who attacks women.

We did not set out to tell a story about domestic abuse. This is a story about PTSD.

Owen is completely asleep when he attacks Cristina. Asleep, in a nightmare. Remember the story we did earlier this season about the guy with night terrors? Same thing.

Follow the link to continue reading Stacy's blog ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.