The Office Quotes: "Blood Drive"

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On last Thursday's episode of The Office, Michael fell in love with a girl while giving blood, the Dunder-Mifflin singles had a mixer and Jim and Pam went to lunch with Phyllis and Bob.

All in all, "Blood Drive" gave us hilarious story lines and great one-liners.

Below is a sampling of the best lines from this great episode. Prepare to laugh - and check out our full library of The Office quotes from all five seasons of the NBC comedy!

Dwight Schrute Pic
Meredith: She could be your soul mate.
Dwight: Oh, not likely. Three billion women on the planet, most of them live in Asia, so the numbers just don't add up.
Oscar: It's possible. | permalink
Kevin: Hey, I'm sorry we did not have a chance to talk more. I get very nervous talking to pretty girls. Seriously, feel how sweaty my hand is.
Lynn: That's really sweaty.
Kevin: Are you on email?
Lynn: Oh, yeah.
Kevin: Cool. Bye. | permalink
Michael: So, Eric. You mentioned before that you are in tool and dye repair.
Eric: I am.
Michael: Meredith recently had a total hysterectomy, so that's sort of a repair. Alright, I'll let you guys talk. | permalink
Dwight: Lonely people mixing with one another? Breeding? Creating an even lonelier generation? Ha, you're not allowing natural selection to do its work. Pssh. You're like the guy who invented the seat belt. | permalink
Dwight: I can untie any knot. I'm serious. Name a knot, any knot. Go ahead.
Blonde: I believe you.
Dwight: You shouldn't believe everything you hear. In fact, there are many knots that I cannot untie. So where does a woman as charming as yourself find herself employed on a day such as today? | permalink
Michael: I am going to be cupid, and I am going to shoot my sparrow at unsuspecting victims, and they are going to get hit and say "I'm in love I was hit by cupid's sparrow." Funny little bird, but he gets the job done. | permalink
Kevin: My worst breakup was with Stacy. It was a Sunday morning, we were reading the paper, and I said "Oh my God, I think the Eagles could clinch the NFC East!" and she said that we're done.
Michael: You know what guys? I don't think we need to do this.
Dwight: You're right. OK everyone, back to work. | permalink
Bob: I honestly don't know how you can work with that jackass, that other jackass, and that new jackass.
Phyllis: He's talking about Michael, Dwight, and Andy.
Jim: Yeah, I understood. | permalink
Oscar: [re: Andy] He made non-refundable deposits on his honeymoons, so he's just knocking them off one at a time. I think today he's hot air ballooning and later he's got a couple's massage. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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The Office Quotes

Kevin: Michael, did you just throw up in here?
Michael: Nah. Just poopin'. You know how I be.
Kevin: It smells like throw-up in here.
Michael: Crazy world. Lot of smells.

David, here it is. My philosophy is basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter... where. Or who, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or... or where you've been... ever. For any reason, whatsoever.
