Scrubs Recap: "My Comedy Show"

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The second of two new episodes of Scrubs last night, "My Comedy Show" not only had J.D. in it but a lot of the older cast memebers we haven't seen in awhile including Laverne (though a flashback) and Beardface.  In the episodes, the new interns put on a sketch show roasting the older members.  Some of it was very funny.

Denise and Sunny Kiss

Meanwhile, the serious plotline was Elliot trying to convince Denise she needed to spend some time outside the hopsital and she used a patient to prove it.  Oh and the Janitor spent the episode trying to get Carla to admit she plucked a humongous breast hair.  Find out what happened to everyone in our "My Comedy Show" recap and enjoy some of our favorite quotes from the episode:

Janitor [to Carla]: I think we should just get this out in the open. I saw you pluck your special hair the other day. I was there, I saw. Question is, what are we going to do about it? I have an idea. Let me speak first. May I? Good. I believe that you should give me the hair. Because I have been scrapbooking the most disgusting things that I could think of and I want to put it on the page in between my decayed molars and a snug, which is, a snail-slug hybrid that I was able to splice together in my garage. Unsuccessfully | permalink
Elliot: You know, I used to use an incubator to keep my lunch warm. Until some whiny new mom complained that her premie smelled like a ham sandwich. Weird thing was, I had a tuna melt in there, not ham | permalink

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Scrubs Quotes

Lonnie: Thanks for that.
Jordan: Keep movin', fetus face.

Turk: All right, Elliot, at the presentation I was wondering, can I do the ending? Because I really love the ending of our paper.
Elliot: Do you think I'm cut out to be a doctor?
Turk: Okay, fine, you can do the ending. I just want to say, "Thanks, folks! We've been great!"
Elliot: I'm serious. Do you think this is what I really want to do?
Turk: Elliot, I don't know.
Elliot: You can tell me. I can take it.
Turk: No, Elliot, I'm saying I don't know because I really don't know. What the hell is going on here? Why have all women gone crazy?