Heroes Round Table: Trust and Blood

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Welcome to our 23rd Heroes Round Table.

While fans of the show gather in the forums to discuss every character and storyline, our staff comes together every week to analyze the latest developments from the latest episode.

Topics in this edition include: Tracey's fate, HRG's storyline and Daphne. Let's get to the Q&A...

Is this it for Tracey?
A. Hiro: Let's hope so. Ali Larter is gorgeous, but there was little reason to resurrect this version of Nikki/Jessica in the first place.

Milover: No. Based on what we've seen of supposed Heroes' "deaths" so far, I'll believe Tracey is dead only if she's gone for at least two seasons. I still assume Adam Monroe will return.

Timex: Yes. But it opens up the door for this character's next personality. I can't wait to meet Anabelle! Her ability? The art of seduction.

Come on, writers, haven't we seen this HRG storyline before?
Timex: Hey, don't diss my main man! At least his storylines are consistent, albeit repetitive. Other characters seem to change the way they act based on the volume, or even the episode.

A. Hiro: Yes we have. Every season seems to place HRG and Claire at odds because the former is acting in a shady manner in order to protect the latter. I love both these characters, but it's getting a bit old.

Milover: Yes. But Jack Coleman is such a great actor that he makes it feel fresh every time. (And, granted, there have been many times!)

Where is this Sylar storyline going?
Milover: I don't know. But I love the idea of Sylar as a mentor. We've seen him try to channel his evil ways in the past. Let's see him try to teach them to someone else!

Timex: I hate to say - because Zachary Quinto is always fantastic - but I'm getting sick of Sylar. He possesses every possible ability and can't die. What's interesting about him anymore? His desire to be accepted by his father? Does that mean we should be rooting for such a resolution?

A. Hiro: To his father's hide out, weren't you paying attention? I'm anxious to see if Mr. Sylar will be all-powerful, like his son.

Daphne can't really be dead... can she?

A. Hiro: Gosh, I hope not. This was one new character I actually liked. She's cute and has a cool ability!

Milover: I'm afraid so. Not even Daphne is quick enough to avoid a bullet.

Timex: Probably. Probably. I really can't believe they'd kill off Daphne... but that Maya is still alive somewhere out there.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys