Heroes Round Table: Building 26

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Welcome to our 24th Heroes Round Table.

While fans of the show gather in the forums to discuss every character and storyline, our staff comes together every week to analyze the latest developments from the latest episode.

Topics in this edition include: Tracey's fate, HRG's storyline and Daphne. Let's get to the Q&A...

Can Hiro please stop being sent to other countries?
A. Hiro: Seriously. I love Hiro/Ando interaction, but can someone explain to me the point of last night's India trip being such a focus of the show?

Milover: I wanna remain positive, but I truly don't get it. This entire story line was created so Hiro - at the conclusion of it - could realize that he doesn't need an ability in order to be a hero? Did viewers need to be so bored in order for such a lesson to be learned?

Timex: Hey, I'm just happy Hiro's trip took place in this century this time. And that it's over after just one episode. It beats his never-ending adventure in Feudal Japan during volume two.

Is Nathan being naive?
Timex: Yes. Did he really expect to round up his former allies without any blood being shed? Come on, Senator, you're smarter than that.

A. Hiro: He's just being idealistic. Nathan is actually being written well this volume, as he doesn't exhibit pure evil by any means. He sincerely believes that rounding up the Heroes is the best course of action and, yes, he believes this can be done relatively peacefully.

Milover: It does seem short-sighted on Nathan's part that he believed he could go through with this exercise and not arouse the suspicion of Homeland Security. But at least he got a cute agent looking into him!

Does Sylar actually care about Luke?
Milover: Definitely. He'll never admit it, but Sylar is seeking acceptable for who he is. He may not find that with his father, but he's finding it little-by-little with his new protege.

Timex: No way. He's just using Luke for his selfish purposes. I'd be shocked if he survived the volume.

A. Hiro: Yes and no. I think Sylar is beginning to see Luke as someone that gives him purpose. Does he care if Luke lives or dies? No. But does having Luke around make Sylar feel like he's less of a monster? Yes.

Who is Rebel?

A. Hiro: We asked this in a poll question already and I voted for Meredith. No way Claire's bio mom is actually dead.

Milover: Angela. You could tell at the outset of this volume that she was torn over Nathan's plan and whether or not the Heroes deserved to be captured.

Timex: HRG, or someone he's hired for the gig. This way, he can fulfill his role and keep Claire safe, but he can also try to warn those with abilities that he knows don't deserve this fate.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys