Grey's Anatomy Episode Guide, Music, Pictures & More

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Last night on Grey's Anatomy, new career paths were forged, a marriage proposals was almost, almost made, tests were run, relationships progressed and new doors opened.

If you missed "Beat Your Heart Out" or just want a full rundown of the action, check out our site's episode recap. We've got everything covered for you, from beginning to end.

Our pages of Grey's Anatomy videos and pictures from the episode are live for your viewing pleasure, as is our music guide. A list of Grey's Anatomy quotes will be up soon!

Our Round Table discussion is still to come, and we'll update the breaking Grey's Anatomy spoilers and news as it develops. Check back often for the latest scoop and rumors!

As always, the Insider's Grey's Anatomy forum is open for discussion, and we welcome comments on all our posts. What did you think of the show last night? Tell us!

Yang and Hunt

UPDATE: If you didn't watch, or would like a refresher on what happened on the other side of Derek's surprise phone call, catch up with our Private Practice episode guide!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.