Gossip Girl Spoilers: Michelle Trachtenberg Dishes on Return

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Georgina Sparks is back on Gossip Girl, and when E! News caught up with her on the set, Michelle Trachtenberg revealed the following interesting tidbit:

"We're filming a scene, it's the first time we see Georgina. She has a little run-in with Chuck Bass, who is in shock at her new attire, getup and demeanor."

According to spies, the big Chuck-Georgina reunion happens in the park when Sir Charles comes upon a group of, um, oddly dressed people at a log cabin.

The assembled young people are all wearing T-shirts that read "OMJC," and one asks Chuck, "Are you a wayward soul in search of direction?"

Michelle Trachtenberg as Georgina Sparks

Right about then, a hippie-looking, creepy, smiley and altogether weird-seeming Georgina pops up and asks if Chuck's been saved as well.


Michelle says, "There are definitely evil elements that Georgina can never leave behind, but you will be seeing a different, let's say reformed, side of Georgina."

What will this mean for Georgina Sparks' relationships with the rest of the Upper East Siders? Once again, let's ask Michelle Trachtenberg herself ...

"Georgina has some unfinished business with Blair, but how that's going to transpire, I'm not sure. Could be a handshake, could be a fistfight, could get wild and crazy, and seeing as how we left Dan and Georgina, there were some crazy sparks a brewin' ... I'm sure there will be fireworks."

How many Gossip Girl episodes will G appear in?

"I've actually been in all of them," Michelle joked.

"I've been in the background of certain scenes, so I did about 25 episodes. It's become an Internet funsies game, spot the hidden Georgina. I'm totally kidding! I can't actually say how many episodes [I'll be in], but it will definitely be filled with a lot of fantastic, juicy details and elements."

Will G find herself interfering with relationships she doesn't belong in yet again? Or will the Upper East Siders join forces with their former enemy?

Well see. But here's a video from E! of Georgina's first scene with Chuck, along with a brief interview with Trachtenberg about her return to Gossip Girl:

[video url="http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/michelle-trachtenberg-talks-gossip-girl/" title="Michelle Trachtenberg Talks Gossip Girl"][/video]

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.