Tonight's Episode: "Life During Wartime"

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Just one more week until Grey's Anatomy returns with new episodes. Tonight, on this first day of 2009, ABC will be airing "Life During Wartime" at 9 p.m. Here's our episode recap.

A gallery photos, some videos from the episode section contain some cool shots and scenes, while our page dedicated to the episode's music and directory of Grey's Anatomy quotes (of every episode) should help you find the song or the line that you loved.

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Our Round Table discussion is always good for a read, and to sound off on any Grey's Anatomy topic, episode, character or story line, feel free to post in our

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.