Wait, Aren't Abilities a Good Thing?

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In lieu of a Round Table this week, allow us the opportunity to focus on a significant issue we have with the third volume of Heroes.

As always, a disclaimer: consider this an example of tough love. We look forward to the show every week, but can't sit idly by while such lazy, illogical story telling takes place. We also invite all readers to respond to this critique in our Comments section. Now, on with it...

Heroes is a show about regular people that acquire special abilities.

The third volume of the series, however, has focused on these individuals going to great lengths to prevent others from acquiring abilities; in other words: Claire, Hiro and company are using their powers to act HEROICALLY... in order to cease the spread of similar abilities because that would supposedly lead to the end of mankind.

But aren't these same abilities exactly what enable our Heroes to act for the greater good?

Rest in Peace, Mommy

It's a good thing Hiro can use his abilities to help save the world.

Isn't there a major continuity problem in having someone with abilities use those abilities to prevent others from acquiring abilities. Follow all that? It can't be any more confusing that the story line itself.

We know that Peter saw a vision of the future in which everyone possessed a power and this led to an uncontrollable, dangerous society. Okay, we can buy that. Here's a novel idea to counter that future:

Why not give the abilities solely to a select few? Perhaps those that are well-trained in combat, those committed to protecting America and its interests, those like... the Marines?

Granted, we stole this idea from someone else: Arthur Petrelli.

Indeed, we can't help but wonder: what was so awful about Arthur's plan? Would anyone object to U.S. soldiers possessing abilities that would give them a significant advantage over our enemies? Was it ever explained why Arthur was such a villainous individual, if his grand vision was simply to create an all-powerful army?

If such information were ever leaked, or such powers ever given to the wrong individual, the world would be in trouble. But that's no different than the modern day creation of the nuclear bomb. Is America a world villain for possessing this powerful weapon?

Moreover, the formula can apparently take away the same abilities that it creates. That's the only reason why Mohinder was committed to perfecting it in the first place, right?

So, to review:

  • The formula is being given to U.S. Marines;
  • We can monitor their progress and take away the abilities if necessary;
  • And the entire third volume has been dedicated to the prevention of this outbreak of abilities... by those that are living proof that abilities are often used for heroic purposes.

Does anyone else feel like we've wasted the last three months of our lives watching a story line that never placed the world in danger? Write in. Let us know your thoughts!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys