The Case of the Missing Grey's Anatomy Character

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Why is one fan-favorite character on Grey's Anatomy suddenly MIA?

It's a question many of you have discussed, and an insider report on E! Online today may shed some light on it. Warning: This does not paint a pretty picture.

The article does not name names, because the truth hurts, but forming an educated guess as to who's being talked about isn't that difficult:

A source close to the show says: "The reason [he/she] has not been on is because [he/she] has been a pain in the ass lately, trying to change scenes and dialogue, being hard to work with and putting up an attitude. The higher-ups were getting tired of it, so they tweaked [him/her] out of some episodes. That's why you haven't really seen [him/her] lately."

A second Grey's Anatomy source seconds that information, adding: "[He/she] is not really getting along too well with producers right now."

To play devil's advocate, Grey's Anatomy characters have seen fluctuating amounts of screen time throughout seasons, so maybe this character will stage a resurgence. But it's not looking like he or she is in the producers' good graces at the moment.

Who is it? Share your theories and comments with us below.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.