Seven Prescriptions For Grey's Anatomy

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We apologize if this post appears negative. As the editors of the web's #1 Grey's Anatomy fan site, we are as devoted and loyal to the show as humanly possible.

But we imagine even the most ardent followers believe the show could use a new prescription (or several) at this point. For all that is appealing about it week in and week out, Grey's Anatomy has lost the fire. What would you like to see done to bring it back?

We've put together a list of suggestions that could bring Grey's Anatomy back to its past glory. If you agree or disagree, tell us why - and if you have your own prescriptions to improve the health of the medical drama, by all means, leave comments below!

1. Bring Back George!

If T.R. Knight wants off the show, having been given so little depth (when he's even on screen) for so long, we honestly can't blame him. But it is sad that his character - a fan favorite of so many of us for so long - has been marginalized to this point.

2. Run with Sloan, Karev and Hunt.

This isn't actually a complaint, but something the show has done well that we hope continues in the coming months. The development of both Mark Sloan and Alex Karev (no matter how you feel about their respective love interests) has been a treat to watch, as has the addition of another complex fellow in Maj. Dr. Owen Hunt. In the words of Britney Spears, gimme more!

3. To Be Continued ...

One of Grey's Anatomy's epic, two- or even three-part sagas is just what the doctor ordered. Some of the best episodes are the 2-3 part "events." A catastrophe raises everyone's game ... as long as Meredith doesn't die again. We've already got Denny on the show full-time now.

It's the End of the World... Photo

4. Set a Due Date.

It may sound sacrilegious to even talk about, perhaps the show would deliver more powerhouse episodes if there were, say, an end date set for the show after Season Seven, giving the writers a clearer idea of where they want to go with story lines and characters and when. It's just an idea. SIDE NOTE: Grey's Anatomy seems to be introducing new characters and losing old ones at an alarming rate, making it harder and harder for fans to invest themselves.

5. More MerDer Love.

We like that there's been relatively little negative MerDer drama so far in Season Five. But we also wouldn't need our arms twisted to watch a few more loving scenes, Shonda.

6. Axe Private Practice.

We actually like the spinoff, but if it has to be sacrificed in order to focus all writing efforts back on Grey's Anatomy and improve the more important of the two shows, then it's a no-brainer. Hey, maybe Addison can even come back to Seattle full-time! Win-win!

7. Off Denny. Again. And Again. However Many Times it Takes.

We love Jeffrey Dean Morgan too, and maybe Shonda will pull something out of a hat and salvage this story line. But week after week of Izzie and Ghost Denny, with the rest of the characters oblivious and only Grey's Anatomy spoilers to tip us off to her condition? Bizarre.

Izzie Stevens, Denny Duquette

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.