Heroes Round Table: The Eclipse Part 2

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Welcome to our 21st Heroes Round Table.

While fans of the show gather in the Timex: I'm sure you'll end of coming back to life, like every other character. See you in a couple weeks.

Do you agree with Nathan's decision to use Pineheast powers for good?
Timex: No. While Nathan may have the best interests of the world in mind, remember: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

A. Hiro: Yes! We've been told that abilities eventually make people evil, but why is Nathan the first to realize how much good they can also lead to? Let's put the proper Petrelli in charge of Pinehearst and see what happens.

Milover: At least he's being proactive. For this entire volume, Team Primatch has been gathering, trying to forge a plan that will defeat Arthur and Team Pinehearst. But do we even know what's so evil about Arthur's side? Go find out for us, Nathan!

Where did Peter learn how to use a machine gun?
Milover: You'd be amazed what they teach at nursing school these days.

Timex: Relax, it's a TV show! Plus, how hard can it be to press a trigger? I thought it was cool that Peter wanted to prove himself, even without his abilities.

A. Hiro: Probably from Future Peter. That guy could do it all!

Should the show kill off more characters?

A. Hiro: Yes. I love most of the characters, but, seriously, the series has to show viewers situations that actually have consequences. Did anyone - seriously, ANYone - think Claire or Sylar was actually dead last night? Of course not. Sacrifice a few favorites for the greater good.

Milover: Definitely. And, I'm very sad to say, start wth Hiro. I'd rather see this once-beloved character laid to rest than to be involved in asinine story lines such as thinking he's 10 years old.

Timex: Yes. And here's a novel idea: make them the good guys. So far this season, Adam Monroe and Elle have been the major deaths. And they were both villains! The show needs to pack the emotional wallop of actually killing a major Hero in order to prove that there's truly a lot at stake in these adventures.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys