"All By Myself" From the Writer's Perspective

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Grey's Anatomy writer Pete Nowalk, who authored last night's episode, has posted some thoughts on "All By Myself" on the show's official writers' blog for the fans.

Below is an excerpt, with a link to the full column at the bottom ...


Alex is still a little mysterious. He likes sex, yeah. He has a sick sense of humor, sure. He’s a pretty rotten communicator, no duh. But now we know he loves Izzie. Loooooves her.

Which he finally told her off the thrill of winning the solo surgery. Alex needed this win. This is the dude that failed his boards and froze during the heart surgery in the elevator. Winning the solo - and having Cristina of all people pick him – finally allowed Alex to believe in himself.

And with that came believing in himself with Izzie. Who makes him better.  Who gives him the warm and cozies inside. Who is still. Seeing. Denny.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Or I don’t. But what I do know is that it’s confusing. Alex loves Izzie. He’s been good to her. SO WTF IS THAT GIRL THINKING? She’s not thinking. That’s the point. Because when we think we tend to screw things up. We over-think. Or under-think.

Or just think about thinking. And it’s exhausting. To the point where it’s easier to just shut your mind off sometimes, to just go with the flow.  

Doctor Karev

So that’s what Izzie is doing. She’s throwing caution to the wind. She’s letting it ride. She’s saying F&$# IT! And I don’t blame her. Who knows how long Denny will be here, or when Alex will confront her about the bizarro behavior, or what - if anything - there is to learn from Denny while he’s here. So like Izzie, I’m choosing to say F%$# it. Go on, try it. Shout it.  Scream it to the rafters. F&%$^&^*^**&*#### IT!!!!!!!!! Feels good, right?

I don’t know about you but that moment right before Mark gave in - when he was trying with all his might to not do the thing he knew he shouldn’t do but oh-so-wanted to - was a window into the kinder, gentler McSteamy. Mark was trying to be good, for Derek and for himself.

But he’s also human. And he’s Mark. And Lexie was there. All vulnerable. All beautiful. All HALF NAKED. Hell, even I wouldn’t be able to deny her in that moment (and I bat for the other team). As long as Meredith and Derek don’t find out about these two.

Follow the link to keep reading Pete Nowalk's blog ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.