Brooke Smith Fired From Grey's Anatomy

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Grey's Anatomy has officially cut ties with a female, outspoken, blonde doctor – and it's not Katherine Heigl. It's Brooke Smith. As in Dr. Erica Hahn.

As in half of Callica, Grey's Anatomy first-ever significant gay couple.

And that's only part of the story. According to Entertainment Weekly, this was not Shonda Rhimes' decision but rather an order that came down from the network.

An Intense Hahn

According to one Grey's Anatomy source, the suits at ABC "had issues" with both the explicit direction Callica was taking (think: undiscovered country, south of the border, etc.) and, more importantly, with the Erica Hahn character in general.

Basically, they didn't like her and wanted her gone ASAP.

But how soon? Follow the jump for Michael Ausiello's interview with Brooke Smith and a statement from Rhimes in response to this story at the end of the Q&A ...

EW: What the hell happened?!

Brooke Smith: I was very excited when they told me that Erica and Callie were going to have this relationship. And I really hoped we were going to show what happens when two women fall in love and that they were going to treat it like any heterosexual couple on TV. And so I was surprised and disappointed when they just suddenly told me that they couldn't write for my character anymore.

EW: That's all they said?

Brooke Smith: Yes. Frankly, it was you that warned me this might happen on the red carpet back in July. You said [sometimes networks get cold feet] with gay relationships. And I was so naive. I'm like, "It's 2008." But I'm starting to realize that not everyone feels the way I do. [Scroll down to watch our now-infamous exchange.]

EW: Did you get the feeling that the story was making people nervous?

Brooke Smith: No. At work I had no sense of it. And more fans seemed to like it than not. I don't think I'm ever going to know [why this really happened].

EW: When did you find out?

Brooke Smith: I found out in mid-September soon after shooting the monologue that aired last week where Erica has the revelation that she's gay. They even came down and told me it was a great scene -- one of the best they ever shot on the show. So I was really, really shocked. I was floored when they told me [I was being let go]. It was the last thing I expected. In fact, when they told me I asked, "When is this happening?" And they said, "The [next episode] is your last," which is the one that airs this Thursday. So it was very sudden.

EW: Wait a second – your last episode is this Thursday?

Brooke Smith: Yes.

EW: How are you written out?

Brooke Smith: I'm not written out. My final scene is just me heading to my car. I honestly don't know what happens in the next episode. I heard not much. [Quick sidebar: This sheds new light on Mary McDonnell's arrival next week as a top cardiac doc.]

EW: Who broke the news to you?

Brooke Smith: Shonda.

EW: I'm hearing that this wasn't her decision, but rather ABC's.

Brooke Smith: You know, I have to tell you, I got that feeling. I don't know for sure, but it definitely seemed like [Shonda Rhimes'] hands were tied. That was just my gut.

EW: Did she seem upset?

Brooke Smith: She did seem upset. I wasn't having a very good week that week. I was like, "Oh, God, what is it with this business?!" And she said, "No, no, no. You are such a great actress. We love you." It seemed like some decision came down from above. It didn't feel like it was her.

EW: What was Sara Ramirez's [Callie] reaction?

Brooke Smith: She was shocked. I'm the one who told her. It took her a few days to get back to me because she was surprised. It was surprising to everybody.

EW: Were you happy with the direction the story line was taking?

Brooke Smith: You know, I was starting to get there, yeah. I was personally a little impatient with the gay panic, but it was more Callie's thing anyway. I think Dr. Hahn was sort of figuring it out.

EW: What did you think about Callie and Mark and her getting pointers on exploring the "undiscovered country"?

Brooke Smith: It was a little icky. If you're a woman, don't you know how to please yourself? But they seemed to be okay with that one.

EW: How are you doing with all this?

Brooke Smith: It's actually never happened to me before. But I never had a moment where I thought I did something wrong. I was just really surprised. I just moved my entire family to L.A., so it was kind of like, "What?" But for some reason I feel like I'm fine. I feel like I'm going to be okay.

Shonda Rhimes' response to the matter:

"Brooke Smith was obviously not fired for playing a lesbian, Erica Hahn. Clearly it's not an issue as we have a lesbian character on the show – Calliope Torres. Sara Ramirez is an incredible comedic and dramatic actress and we wanted to be able to play up her magic. Unfortunately, we did not find that the magic and chemistry with Brooke's character would sustain in the long run. The impact of the Callie-Erica relationship will be felt and played out in a story for Callie. I believe it belittles the relationship to simply replace Erica with 'another lesbian.' If you'll remember, Cristina mourned the loss of Burke for a full season."

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.