Heroes Episode Guide, Photos, Quotes & More from Third Season Premiere

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Tim Kring wasn't joking around when he said this season was fast-paced.

We've recapped the opening two hours of Heroes as best we can, but we strongly urge readers to visit our

Future Heroes

Tonight's season premiere began with Future Claire aiming a gun at Future Peter. And from there, well...

... we tried out hardest to recap The Second Coming and The Butterfly Effect.

Review those episode guides now and check back here for constant Heroes quote and photo updates from the first two hours of what looks to be an incredible season.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys