Screen Actors Guild Hopes to Avoid Strike Redux

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Potentially bad news: the media buzz is about the pending actors' strike, so we hope you enjoyed your few months of new flicks and fresh TV.

If the Screen Actors Guild strikes and our favorite stars walk, you can say goodbye to new fare on the screen. The only place you'll be able to see A-listers like Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo will be the picket line.

To clarify, it's still possible to avert the strike. But we've already seen what happened to Grey's Anatomy the last time, with the WGA Strike.

On one side of the bargaining table is the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. On the other: the Screen Actors Guild.

Super Sandra

Will stars like Sandra Oh be involved in yet another work stoppage?

The issue at hand is once again money - residual payments for DVD sales, reimbursements for work-related trips and fees for Internet content.

Without an agreement, Hollywood's actors have two options: work without a contract or strike. Of course, in order to strike, the guild needs a 75 percent authorization vote, a process that may take up to three weeks.

Will this be a rerun of the 2007-2008 writers' strike that delayed last season's production of Grey's Anatomy and all our other favorite shows?

It's hard to believe either side wants a strike. After all, the 100-day writers' strike set Los Angeles County back more than $2 billion economically.

Hits like NBC's Heroes and ABC's Private Practice were forced to shutter production mid-season, and others like Fox' 24 never even made it to air.

Many of the TV shows that did come back never regained their full pre-strike audiences. It certainly didn't help Grey's Anatomy's ratings.

But the plot thickens this time around. Stay tuned.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.