Grey's Anatomy Caption Contest CXIII

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Welcome, Grey's Anatomy fans worldwide, to our Monday morning tradition, the Grey's Anatomy Insider Caption Contest - now in its 113th week.

This week's winner is McAmber. Congratulations! The winning caption appears under the photo. Scroll down to view the complete list of entries, too.

Thank you all for playing the Caption Contest and visiting Grey's Anatomy Insider, the #1 fan site devoted solely to Grey's Anatomy!

Here is this week's Caption Contest image:

Bizarre Love Triangle?

Erica: Do you think anybody has seen it yet?
Mark: Seen what yet?
Callie: My home pregnancy test stuck to the board.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.