Zachary Quinto and Leonard Nimoy: A Tale of Two Spocks

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Quinto, Zachary
At last week's Grand Slam XVI Sci Fi Summit in Burbank, California, Heroes star Zachary Quinto was interviewed alongside Leonard Nimoy.

Each actor will take on the role of Spock in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek remake, with Quinto receiving the bulk of the screen time. Here are a few excerpts from TV Guide's interview with the stars:

TV Guide: What do you think J.J. brings to Star Trek?
Quinto: Everything. He brings his ability to execute his vision — which is basically unparalleled — a really generous spirit, a lot of respect for the people he works with and the people who work with him, a sense of humor and some mad beat-boxing skills. In between takes, actually.

TV Guide: Is this a crazy movie to promote, because of all the secrecy?
Nimoy: There's always been an issue of trying to protect the secrecy of the next Star Trek movie, whichever one it was. There are people who make it their business to try to get their hands on the script and be able to say, "I got it and I can tell you what's happening." In this particular case it's been a very special effort on the part of those people to break through the security barrier, and as a result the security has been stronger than it ever has been before.

Quinto: I think the speed with which people get their information now makes it more of a problem. The first day I shot the movie, before it was over J.J. came to me with his phone and showed me a picture that he had downloaded from the internet of us standing in the room that we were still shooting in. It was already on the Internet! That's actually what instigated the heightened security.

The next day I showed up and we had floor-length vinyl jackets with hoods [to cover costumes] and golf carts that were completely enclosed in black tarp. That persisted through the entire shoot, even when we were on the lot at Paramount. People were worried about camera phones and digital cameras and it's understandable because there were a couple of times that a background actor or someone who was working on the crew would snap a couple of photos and they would inadvertently end up on the Internet, and that's just a headache for the legal departments.

People think they want to know, but they don't want to know. It's going to ruin the experience for them.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

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Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
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