Fall and Rise: An Interview with Scott Porter

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Scott Porter portrays the former star quarterback of the Dillon Panthers on the hit show Friday Night Lights. Scott Porter recently spoke to our friends at BuddyTV about what it's like to play the partially paralyzed star ...

Question: So first, why don't you start by describing your character?
Scott Porter: Jason Street was the local hero. He was a good quarterback. A good student. He came from a great family. He was gonna go to college at Notre Dame and eventually become pro. Then tragedy struck at the end of the pilot and he broke his neck and is now in a wheelchair. In the first season, he kind of deals with everybody coming to grips with his injury before he deals with it himself. He's a strong kid. He's been through more than any kid I know and he always comes out with his head up high. At the end of last season, he went back to the team as a coach and in the first episodes of this season you kind of see that deteriorate, and he starts to deal with the issue of whether or not he wants to walk again, and if it's even possible.

Scott Porter Photo

Question: Right. He's going through a lot of really big stuff like in the last episode ("Backfire") when he decided to go to Mexico ...
Scott Porter: He heard about stem cell research. You know, there are these surgeries where they actually inject stem-cells of other animals or human embryos into your back to hopefully get it to re-attach to your spine and heal you. And he kind of sees that as maybe a pipe dream. So he decides to quit the team and do this trip. And Tim Riggins, his loyal, irresponsible friend Riggins, decides he wants to come along for the ride and Jason can't really say no.

Question: Do you identify with your character?
Scott Porter: I do, in different ways than I think people expect. First of all, you don't see Jason's parents as much as I would like you to. That being said, he did come from a very strong family and so did I. I have an amazing family. And to come from there and to kind of have that background really played into who Jason Street was. I'd like to say I'm as strong-willed as Jason, but he's been through so much ... he's definitely head and shoulders above me.

Question: Is there any chance that Jason and Lyla Garrity are going to get back together? Or will there be a new love interest?
Scott Porter: I think Jason and Lyla have a love for each other that extends beyond just a relationship. I think they have a really true affection for each other and right now it's just a friendship. I don't know if we'll see them back together. There's always that opportunity. They're always going to be there for each other. But you will see Jason kind of moving on later in the season.

Follow the link to continue reading BuddyTV's Scott Porter interview ...

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Friday Night Lights Quotes

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts...ehh we'll deal with that later.


Elden: So my question to you is, do you really want to make a difference, or are you just feeling sad because you saw a boy get shot?
Eric: Both.

Friday Night Lights Music

  Song Artist
Muzzle of Bees Wilco iTunes
Song Evergreen The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Song Bang a Gong (Get it On) T. Rex