George and Izzie: So What's the Deal?

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Even after the tormented O'Malley finally came clean in the closing moments of "Let the Truth Sting," many fans are surely wondering what the heck going on with George and Izzie on Grey's Anatomy? Are they breaking up or not?

A Strained Friendship
Married Couple

Even super-sleuth Michael Ausiello of TV Guide is confused. He writes on the subject. Follow the jump for a Grey's Anatomy spoiler (or two) ...

Michael writes: "I honestly don't know what to believe. After my interview with Shonda Rhimes at the Emmys, I thought for sure she was pulling the plug on this ill-conceived romance. But yesterday I got an unconfirmed tip that Gizzie is still alive and kicking in Episode 8. That's right. Episode 8 of Season 4!

That means we've got at least five more weeks of these two! The mole also reports that in the same episode, Mer and Der are still going strong with their whole "let's have sex but not be super serious" thing. Which is good... or bad?"

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.