Greg Grunberg Speaks on Heroes, Star Trek and Jenna Jameson

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Our friends at spoke with Greg Grunberg earlier this summer.

In the interview, the Heroes actor discusses his character, his future and his fondess for a certain adult film star...

Greg Grunberg Photo
OWI: Do you prefer playing Matt Parkman as the nice guy we see now, or the future "morally gray" version
we saw in 'String Theory'?
GG: I always want people to think that he could turn on a dime if he had to. If I come across as nice ALL the
time it wouldn't be interesting. We all have a dark side. Don't we?

OWI: What did Matt ever do with those diamonds?
GG: Gave them to his pregnant wife Janice. She was left holding the bag... literally.

OWI: If you could play any role, what would you like it to be?
GG: I would love to play Scotty in Star Trek.

OWI: How much of the real Greg do we see on the screen? Are you anything like any of the characters we
see you play?
GG: I never fall far from the characters I play. There is always a big part of me in them. I can't help it.

: What does the immediate future hold for you?
GG: Very busy on shooting the second season and prepping a film.

OWI: Tell us about your best day on the Heroes set. Can you tell us about the worst day without hurting
anyone's feelings?
GG: The first day back on season 2. Any day of work for an actor is always his best.

OWI: Any hints for aspiring actors?
GG: Never get out of line. You are standing in a long line of other actors who have the same dream you do.
Those who stay the course WILL eventually get their shot. Never give up. If you do, you are just moving the
actors behind you in line a little closer to THEIR dream.

OWI: Any plans to direct or produce?
GG: Sure. I'm producing and starring in a film I wrote right now. So yes... it's in my future.

OWI: Who do you like to watch on screen?
GG: Terry O' Quinn on Lost... and Jenna Jameson.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys