Shonda Rhimes Shares Her Thoughts On "Drowning On Dry Land"

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No question about it, Grey's Anatomy creator and executive producer Shonda Rhimes - who wrote "Walk On Water," this week's "Drowning On Dry Land" and next week's "Some Kind of Miracle" - is taking some heat over recent developments.

How could she kill Meredith? Is she forcing a dramatic story line just for the sake of dramatic story line? And what happens next?

Rhimes' thoughts are articulated on her official blog, which you can read here.

But here's an excerpt from her take on "Drowning On Dry Land" and Meredith in particular. Even though she died, which was really sad, at the same time, it was kind of cool, wasn't it? Take it away, Shonda...


So, yeah, that was Denny and Dylan.

I'm trying to be all casual about it.

Like I don't care.

Like, you know, Denny and Dylan, whatever. I'm cool, I'm good.

But I almost hugged Jeffrey Dean Morgan to death when he arrived on set. He was nice about it considering the restraining order he should have taken out against me during Season Two. I was glad to see him. And I was glad to see Kyle Chandler who was gracious enough to fly out here and film on one of his very few days off from the very well-written Friday Night Lights.

See, I miss Denny and Dylan. A lot. So it was nice to see them for a moment, wasn't it? Even if Meredith is dead?

You all have some pretty strong feelings about this. I've been reading your comments. Strong feelings. Which I respect. Grey's Anatomy is in its third season and we're doing something a little... different. It's about time we did.

Because, as I said when you shouted your horror about the Meredith-George sex, I remind you that we writers like to follow the characters here and we try very hard not to make story just to make story.

We like to have a point. Meredith being dead is about... well, you will see what it is about next week. She was in pain, this girl. And...

... okay, I don't want to talk about that. Meredith being dead at the end of this episode. I can't. Not yet.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.