Eric Dane On Romance, Cooking, Abs, Etc.

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Paging Patrick Dempsey: The competition for sexiest doc alive is getting a little... how should we put this... McSteamy!

A one-time construction worker, Eric Dane has joined the terrific cast of Grey's Anatomy as plastic surgeon Mark Sloan. Earlier today, we showed you Kate Walsh's thoughts on the show's newest star. Now, it's the 33-year-old Dane's turn to talk about himself and his Steamy character.

Eric took a break from the OR -- and revealing shower scenes -- to give fans his prescriptions for love, home cooking and washboard abs. Here's what he had to say to People magazine:

Q: Okay, McDreamy vs. McSteamy -- who wins a hotness contest?
A: I don't feel any competition with Patrick. But he keeps asking me when my calendar is coming out.

Q: Besides the six-pack abs, how are you similar to McSteamy?
A: We both shower daily! There are a lot of things in common, but just so your mind doesn't go in the wrong direction, it's not the infidelity and deceitful, backstabbing side of Mark Sloan.

Q: How do you maintain those abs?
A: Weightlifting -- it gets the aggression out. No yoga! I'm competitive and you can't score points in yoga.

Q: Unlike McSteamy and Addison, you seem very grounded with your wife, actress Rebecca Gayheart.
A: Life with her has been wonderful. On a whim, we ran to Vegas and got married (in October 2004). We'd been together nine months and we just knew.

Q: What's your ideal Sunday?
A: Sleep in - for me, that’s about 9:15 -- make coffee, quiet my head, make an omelette for my girl and play music. I make a hell of an omelette. And I make great chicken soup too!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.