Talk About a Love / Hate Relationship

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Below is the perspective of Meredith... Goldstein, that is. She's a Boston Globe columnist, and we thought you'd like to see what she has to say about her namesake and the Grey's Anatomy protagonist:


I hate Meredith.

I have my reasons.

She whines incessantly and puts y's on the end of words that don't need them (after all, she's "dark and twisty").

She can't be alone, she only talks about her love life, and an entire hospital staff orbits around her.

She got her job because of her mom.

During the 15 seconds she was single, she met a perfect veterinarian who cooks.

She used a sick dog to perpetuate adultery.

She slept with a million guys and never freaked out to her roommates about whether she got an STD.

I hate her because McDreamy is a stupid nickname.

I hate Meredith for the same reason someone posted this note on a blog last winter at 2:20 a.m.: "I think Meredith's character needs to gain about 20 pounds and stop crying." And for the reason someone posted this one on a blog just a few months ago after last season's finale: "Meredith looks like some skeleton someone found on an archeological dig and did a voodoo spell on to bring her back to life. Someone get her a Twinkie, a pizza and a Luna Bar and fast."

At least Ally McBeal sang sometimes.

I hate Meredith because sometimes she has a lisp and sometimes she doesn't.

I hate her even more because the lisp is cute.

When Meredith is doing her job, which involves cutting people open and exposing their organs, I'm pretty sure she's thinking about boys. She breathes loud to be dramatic. She probably doesn't even have asthma!

She thinks she's unique -- everybody's parents get sick and divorced.

I hate Meredith because she wants what she can't have.

Because she's probably going to get her way.

Because if she doesn't get her way, I will feel incomplete.

And because tonight, against my better judgment, I will tune in and root for her just like everybody else.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.