Get to Know the Actor that Plays Denny

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Alex may not wish to read a recent article in The Seattle Times. It profiles the actor behind Denny, a man waiting for a heart transplant that has captured the interest of Izzie.

Sandy Thomas, from Kirkland, has been a fan since the show hit the airways. She now has a very good reason to continue to turn in every night at 10 p.m.: her favorite actor, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, has a recurring role. Of course, Morgan also happens to be Thomas' son.

In addition to the Grey's Anatomy role, her son has a recurring part in another television show, Supernatural.

Morgan is a local. He went to Ben Franklin Elementary School, Rose Hill Junior High and was a 1984 graduate of Lake Washington High School.

"He didn't grow up wanting to be an actor," Thomas said. "He wanted to be a basketball star."

Instead, he went into acting and has a long list of television and movie credits. The surest sign of success in his chosen field?

"I haven't had to send him a check in years," Thomas said.

Tune in to this week's new episode to see if Izzie falls harder and harder for Thomas' talented son.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.